
Δημοσκόπηση: Το 69% των Ελλήνων δεν εμπιστεύεται ραδιοτηλεοπτικά δίκτυα mainstream μέσα ενημέρωσης (αγγλικό κείμενο)



The survey shows that the great majority (i.e. more than two thirds) of respondents does not trust Greek mainstream media broadcasting networks when it comes to the coverage of domestic politics and the Eurozone crisis overall. Similarly strong is the support over the initiative of the Greek government to re-address the media landscape in the country, especially with regards to the bill introduced during the previous week in the Parliament.

Coming to the issue of media overdebtedness, a topic that is oft-cited in the ongoing debate, 85% of the respondents stated that debts have to be paid rather than for these outlets to go bankrupt. Our assessment here is that the preference over the first option can be interpreted from the grounds of labor solidarity over the personnel that might risk their job in case these outlets go bankrupt. Interesting enough, only 2% of the respondents did not answer or skip this question.

The final question unveils the negative or rather negative opinion of more that half of the respondents for five out of 6 (5/6) media broadcasting networks. This is something we need to take into consideration when addressing biased information and in-depth coverage of a range of topics linked with the first question of this survey. Among these networks, opinion scale with regards to Stat Channel seems quite balanced, and to a lesser extent for Alpha TV, whereas Skai TV, Mega Channel and Antenna gather the highest rates of negative opinions.

In the midst of a vibrant though fierce debate over the future of established media in Greece, our opinion is that this survey gives a pretty clear image on public feelings over mainstream media, offering a strong incentive to the Greek government to legislate in favor of an independent, objective and plural media landscape in the country.


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